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Collection Profile for:
Animalia Observaciones Gbif (Gbif-AnimaliaObsGbif)

GBIF.org (10 November 2023) GBIF Occurrence Download  https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.wd4aex


GBIF.org (10 November 2023) GBIF Occurrence Download  https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.3cjp7d

GBIF.org (05 January 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.4guavd TSV

GBIF.org (04 June 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.ycmbgf --Include may

GBIF.org (28 October 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.y87sky

Cite this collection:
Animalia Observaciones Gbif. Occurrence dataset (ID: 4f28b3c3-90c6-43e3-b38a-79204937a579) accessed via the Colecciones Biologicas Provincia de Loja Portal, bioloja.org/l, 2024-09-20).

Collection Statistics

  • 118,041 specimen records
  • 118,038 (100%) georeferenced
  • 2,895 (2%) with images (3,508 total images)
  • 115,695 (98%) identified to species
  • 234 families
  • 704 genera
  • 1,008 species
  • 1,008 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
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Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 10 November 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder: Ciudadanos de Loja
Access Rights: Ciudadanos de Loja
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Agriornis (151)
  • Anairetes (360)
  • Attila (2)
  • Camptostoma (954)
  • Cnemarchus (12)
  • Contopus (656)
  • Elaenia (786)
  • Empidonax (3)
  • Euscarthmus (664)
  • Fluvicola (1)
  • Hemitriccus (56)
  • Hirundinea (2)
  • Lathrotriccus (308)
  • Legatus (6)
  • Leptopogon (20)
  • Lophotriccus (11)
  • Mecocerculus (898)
  • Megarynchus (625)
  • Mionectes (171)
  • Muscigralla (53)
  • Muscisaxicola (59)
  • Myiarchus (578)
  • Myiobius (6)
  • Myiodynastes (663)
  • Myiopagis (630)
  • Myiophobus (530)
  • Myiotheretes (352)
  • Myiozetetes (208)
  • Ochthoeca (914)
  • Onychorhynchus (1)
  • Phaeomyias (309)
  • Phyllomyias (325)
  • Phylloscartes (1)
  • Pitangus (4)
  • Poecilotriccus (63)
  • Pseudotriccus (78)
  • Pyrocephalus (382)
  • Pyrrhomyias (259)
  • Sayornis (361)
  • Serpophaga (4)
  • Todirostrum (232)
  • Tolmomyias (456)
  • Tumbezia (51)
  • Tyrannus (791)
  • Zimmerius (357)
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